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Who is the audience of a source?

The audience of a source is the person, or group of people, who were originally intended to see or use it. Based upon what you know about the time the source was created and who created it, you need to identify for whom the source was originally created. How do I discover who the audience was?

What is an individual's revenue source?

An individual’s revenue sources consist of their salary from regular employment, investment returns, business profits, rental income, and freelance income. You are free to use this image on your website, templates, etc, Please provide us with an attribution link It can encourage entrepreneurship and economic growth.

What are income sources?

Income Sources refers to various ways in which people make money to fund their lifestyles, save for the future, and achieve their financial objectives. An individual’s revenue sources consist of their salary from regular employment, investment returns, business profits, rental income, and freelance income.

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